Leslie Special headlights - non functional

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Leslie Special headlights - non functional

Postby ric » Fri Mar 04, 2016 10:26 pm

The Leslie Special's headlights are only ever turned on in two scenes of the film:

[1] when Leslie and Max are driving to the Baron's castle
headlights1.jpg (31.61 KiB) Viewed 25689 times

[2] when Max is driving the Leslie special after Leslie has broken in to the castle.
headlights3.jpg (22.01 KiB) Viewed 25689 times

Straight after the first scene, you see the car pull up, with the lights already turned off, and can see they look different to the rest of the movie.
headlights2.jpg (52.21 KiB) Viewed 25689 times

There is a "modern" electric sealed beam unit inside the housing.

For the rest of the film, the housing is entirely filled by a large reflector, and a small "Y" shaped burner. These imitate genuine "Carbide acetylene" lamps of the period. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbide_lamp

nonskid.jpg (98.86 KiB) Viewed 25689 times

Plainly these were too much hassle to make work in the movie car.

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